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Philomena B. Woolsock ist offline Philomena B. Woolsock  
Break-up letter
1203 Beiträge - Einhorn
Philomena B. Woolsock`s alternatives Ego
Einfach die Lücken ausfüllen.hinterhältig

Dear- your partners name- (if you're singel, write John)

I don't know how to say this, but __1__.
I think I realised it __2__ __3__, and I saw you __4__ __5__.
I'm sure you're __6__ enough to understand __7__.
Im sending back __8__, but I'm keeping __9__ as a memory.
You should know that I __10__ __11__.
__12__ /-your name-


blue- our romance is over
red- our affair is at an end
white- I'm joining a monastery
black- I hate you
green- our horoscopes doesn't match
grey- You're a perv
yellow- I'm on the streets
pink- Your nostrils are an insult
brown- the mafia is after you
no shirt- You're a loser
other- I'm in love with your sister


January- that night
february- last year
mars- when we were skinny dipping
april- when I was high on sesame seed ( lol? .__.)
may- when I was shaving your legs
june- when you put handcuffs on me
july- when I threw up
august- When I saw the tiny head
september- when your dwarf bit me
october- When I was taking a walk
november- When I tied my shoes
December- When your dog went crazy

tacos- in your house
pizza- in your van
pasta - in London
Hamburger- Under the bus
salad- while you were eating enchiladas
chicken- with Chuck Norris
kebab- in your closet
fish- in woman-clothes
sandwich- at the mental hospital
hotdogs- in trans
other- with mr and mrs Bush

yellow- hitting on
red- insulting
black- ignoring
blue- punching
purple- pour syrup on
white- carve your name in
grey- tear the clothes of
brown- put leeches on
pink- steal the toupee from
no socks- sit on
other- chasing out

black – my best friend
White- my father
grey- john travolta
Brown- my whoopee cushion
purple- my pie
red- th cookiemonster
blue- my alovera plant
Yellow- my pen-pal from Ghana
Orange – my Carl Larsson-collection (whoever that is D8)
pink – my cat
no underwear – my Cartman-statue
Other- The crazy monk

Scrubs - man
O.C. - sensitive
One Tree Hill - open
Heroes - ashamed
Lost - turned on
House - cowardly
Simpsons - scarred
the news - Mongolian
American Idol – masochistic
Family Guy - senile
other - frost-bited

happy- how bad I've been feeling
sad- How boring you are
bored- that your Honda sucks
angry- that all your pimples are in the last stadium (lol wut? XD)
Depressed- That I have changed sex
exited- that there's no solution to
nervous- the Middle east
Worried- that we're cousins
apathetic- that Santa doensn't exist
Ashamed- that I'm allergic to your hamster
Hugable- that the garbage-man turns me on
exceedingly happy- that I'm a clone
other- "Deal or no deal" sucks

white- your ring
yellow- your love letters
red- your Darth Vader-poster
black- your pet rock
blue- the pillows
green- the pictures of Portugal
Orange- your artificial teeth
brown- your cellphone
grey- our matching snoopy-bibs
pink- the old toe-nails
other- your military service-memory-box

A/B - Your picture
C/D - the oil-stock shares
E/F - My virginity
G/H - your neighbor Carl
I/J - The blood-test results
K/L- your left ear
M/N - Your suicide-note
O/P - my sense
Q/R - your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V/W - your crime records
X/Y/Z- your highschool grades

A/B – shall always remember
C/D – never will forget
E/F – Always will try to forget
G/H – will inform The Swedish Tax Agency(uh yeah..XD)
I/J – have always felt dirty because of
K/L – have never laughed in public about
M/N – am makin a movie about
O/P – throw rocks at
Q/R – informed the psychiatrist about
S/T – get sick when I think about
U/V/W – told the news paper about
X/Y/Z – never liked

water- our friendship
beer - pensioner
Soda- a new life as a clone
milk- eskimos
wine- cocaine addiction
Cider- a passionated intrest for mice
Juice- woody allen-imitations
limonade- your embarrassing rashes
Whisky - destroying the 2nd world war
other- hating Shrek

Thailand - Best wishes
Sweden- love
England- With pain
Spain- Go f*ck youself
China- gross wishes
Germany- With relief
Japan- go to hell
Greece - Your enternal enemy
Austraila- say goodbye to your pet frog Leonard from me
Egypt- Go now
France- Good luck
Other- Say goodbye to your creepy family from me.

Mein toller Brief:

Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but our romantic is over.
I think I realised it when you put handcuffs on me in London and I saw you steal the toupee from my alovera plant.
I'm sure you're man enough to understand that there's no solution to.
Im sending back the old toe-nails, but I'm keeping the oil-stock shares as a memory.
You should know that I never liked our friendship.
Say goodbye to your pet frog Leonard from me, Cori.

Das is so toll XD

Beitrag vom 18.04.2008 - 20:07
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Glue S. Birnee ist offline Glue S. Birnee  
608 Beiträge - Hippogreif
Glue S. Birnee`s alternatives Ego
boa ne ey jetz war ich gerade fertig udn dann war plötzlich alles weg aber deins ist geil fibi jetzt grad ekin bock hab nochmal alels neu zu machen erinnert mcuih an das geburtstagsspiel

Team Glühbirne!
Ich bin stolze Pseudohausschülerin!
Ich verdiene einen ehemaligen Preis grosses Lachengrosses Lachen
Beitrag vom 18.04.2008 - 21:06
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Sirius Black ist offline Sirius Black  
1519 Beiträge - Einhorn
Sirius Black`s alternatives Ego
Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but I'm in love with your sister. I think I realised it When your dog went crazy in your closet, and I saw you ignoring my best friend. I'm sure you're man enough to understand that we're cousins.
Im sending back the pillows, but I'm keeping your left ear as a memory.
You should know that I informed the psychiatrist about pensioner.
Go f*ck youself, Kev

...and then suddenly there was this huge mechanical failure and one of the engines gave out and they started just falling thirty thousand feet. The pilot's on the microphone and he's saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Oh My God, I'm sorry." And apologizing. And she looks at the man and she says "Where are we going?" And he looks at her and he says "We're going to a party, it's a birthday party. It's your birthday party. Happy birthday, darling! We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Sirius Black am 18.04.2008 - 23:04.
Beitrag vom 18.04.2008 - 23:03
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R.G. Mad ist offline R.G. Mad  
1201 Beiträge - Einhorn
R.G. Mad`s alternatives Ego
Dear John

I don't know how to say this, but the mafia is after you.
I think I realised it when you put handcuffs on me in woman-clothes, and I saw you chasing out my father.
I'm sure you're man enough to understand that your Honda sucks.
Im sending back your ring, but I'm keeping your suicide-note as a memory.
You should know that I get sick when I think about your embarassing rashes.
Love, Marcel.

ich bin nett in der letzten zeile.

Beitrag vom 18.04.2008 - 23:18
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Gast Charmine C. Cocayne  
Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but you're a perv.
I think I realised it that night in your house, and I saw you ignoring my father.
I'm sure you're frost-bited enough to understand that the garbage-man turns me on.
Im sending back your ring, but I'm keeping your crime records as a memory.
You should know that I informed the psychiatrist about hating shrek.
Go fuck yourself, Verena.

lol glücklich
Beitrag vom 19.04.2008 - 09:49
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Gast Aurora Castello-Castlewing  
Dear- John
I don't know how to say this, but our affair is at an end
I think I realised it when you put handcuffs on me in London, and I saw you pour syrup on my best friend
I'm sure you're man enough to understand "Deal or no deal" sucks.
Im sending back your ring, but I'm keeping the oil-stock shares as a memory.
You should know that I Always will try to forget our friendship..
With pain Chrissi

nja so toll is des bei mir netlachend
Beitrag vom 19.04.2008 - 10:50
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Gast Dorothea Raene Harms  
Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but our affair is at an end.
I think I realised it when I tied my shoes in woman-clothes, and I saw you ignoring my father.
I'm sure you're sensitive enough to understand "Deal or no Deal" sucks.
I'm sending back your ring, but I'm keeping the oil-stock shares as a memory.
You should know that I informed the psychiatrist about hating Shrek.
Say goodbye to your creepy family from me. Doro
Beitrag vom 19.04.2008 - 10:57
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Gast Holly J. Brearley  
Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but I hate you.
I think I realised it when I was taking a walk in London , and I saw you insulting my Cartman-statue.
I'm sure you're sensitive enough to understand that I have changed sex.
Im sending back your love letters, but I'm keeping your left ear as a memory.
You should know that I get sick when I think about hating Shrek.

Say goodbye to your creepy family from me.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 12 mal editiert, zuletzt von Holly J. Brearley am 19.04.2008 - 12:29.
Beitrag vom 19.04.2008 - 12:08
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Lyra Vienna McKinnon ist offline Lyra Vienna McKinnon  
686 Beiträge - Hippogreif
Dear... John,

I don't know how to say this, but our horoscopes doesn't match.
I think I realised it when we were skinny dipping in your van, and I saw you carve your name in my best friend.
I'm sure you're frost-bited enough to understand That I have changed sex.
Im sending back your love letters, but I'm keeping Your picture as a memory.
You should know that I informed the psychiatrist about woody allen-imitations.

With pain,

Beitrag vom 19.04.2008 - 20:35
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Gast Terry Metcalfe  
Dear John

I don't know how to say this, but You're a perv
I think I realised it when you put handcuffs on me in London and I saw you sit on the cookiemonster. I'm sure you're frost-bited enough to understand how bad I've been feeling. Im sending back the pillows but I'm keeping Your collection of butterflies as a memory.
You should know that I will inform The Swedish Tax Agency your embarrassing rashes.

say goodbye to your pet frog Leonard from me, Terry
Beitrag vom 20.04.2008 - 13:07
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Hazal Milano ist offline Hazal Milano  
1146 Beiträge - Einhorn
Hazal Milano`s alternatives Ego
Dear John,
I don't know how to say this but our romance is over.
I think I realised it when I was high on sesame seed with Mr and Mrs Bush, and I saw you steal the toupee from my father.
I'm sure you're frost-bited enough to understand how bad I've been feeling.
I'm sending back the old toe-nails, but I'm keeping your neighbour Carl as a memory.
You should know that I get sick when I think about woody allen-imitations.
Go now, Haz

Loooool xD
Beitrag vom 20.04.2008 - 13:14
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Finn Fish ist offline Finn Fish  
182 Beiträge - Zauberlehrling
Finn Fish`s alternatives Ego
Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but our affair is at an end.
I think I realised it when I threw up in London, and I saw you hitting my best friend.
I'm sure you're frost-bited enough to understand how bad I've been feeling.
Im sending back your artificial teeth, but I'm keeping my virginity as a memory.
You should know that I have never laughed in public about woody allen-imitations.
say goodbye to your pet frog Leonard from me, Elvira

lol x)
Beitrag vom 20.04.2008 - 13:32
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Tinwe Brethil  ist offline Tinwe Brethil  
360 Beiträge - Hausgeist
Dear John,
I don't know how to say this, but our horoscopes doesn't match.
I think I realised it when you put handcuffs on me in your van, and I saw you punching my best friend.
I'm sure you're open enough to understand Deal or no deal" sucks.
Im sending back your ring/ your love letters(ist eben teils teils), but I'm keeping yout left ear (xD) as a memory.
You should know that I shall always remember woody allen-imitations.
Say goodbye to your creepy family from me. Tin

Ohh maaaan das ist super Fibs xDDD

Beitrag vom 20.05.2008 - 16:30
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Prof. Hermione Horrible ist offline Prof. Hermione Horrible  
1204 Beiträge - Einhorn
Prof. Hermione Horrible`s alternatives Ego
Dear Jack,

I don't know how to say this, but you’re a perv.
I think I realised it when I was shaving your legs in your van, and I saw you ignoring my cat.
I'm sure you're frost-bited enough to understand "Deal or no deal" sucks.
Im sending back your ring, but I'm keeping the oil-stock shares as a memory.
You should know that I have always felt dirty because of our friendship.

go to hell, Doro

Prof. Hermione Horrible
Schulleiterin von Hogwarts
Beitrag vom 20.05.2008 - 19:31
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Lemuria Fionnan-Daray ist offline Lemuria Fionnan-Daray  
95 Beiträge - Niffler
Dear John,

I don't know how to say this, but You're a perv.
I think I realised it when your dwarf bit me in your van, and I saw you hitting on my father.
I'm sure you're man enough to understand that your Honda sucks.
Im sending back your Darth Vader-poster, but I'm keeping Your collection of butterflies as a memory.
You should know that I have never laughed in public about our friendship.
go to hell Sonja.

Beitrag vom 24.05.2008 - 02:45
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